
5 Ways to Create the Best Valentines for Children

by Sally Matheny
One Way to a Child's Heart
(Pixaby Photo)
Valentine cards covered the floor the night before the big day. With my second grade class list in hand, I would spend at least an hour deciding which little sentiment best fit each of my classmates.

Valentine’s Day was always a fun day at school. After constructing card holders out of pink and red construction paper, students would scrawl their names in big letters across the front. No one wanted to be overlooked. Everyone hoped for a fat folder at the end of the day. 

The folders were taped to the front of the desks. Later, the students would weave through the desks, placing valentine cards in the paper pockets.

Usually there was a party with white frosted cupcakes topped with red cinnamon hearts, chips, and strawberry Kool-Aid. The teacher gave each student a box of conversation hearts.

At some point in the day, everyone tried to see who could find the most words in the word “valentine.”

Finally, we would open our valentine cards. What a treat it was to read the colorful cards. They made me feel happy, liked, special.

After school, as soon as we got home, my older sister and I dumped all our valentine cards out on the floor and went through them again. 

We greatly appreciated the friends who attached candy to their cards. Of course, my sister still had candy displayed with her cards, all lined up in neat little rows. In front of me sat a hodgepodge of perforated poems mingled with empty wrappers.

It wasn’t uncommon for me to hang on to those valentines for months. If a special message was written, I may still have it.

If those little cards made me, a kid growing up in a loving home, feel special, imagine how it made a less fortunate child feel.


I didn’t realize that then, but perhaps we can convey that to our children today.

Valentine’s Day provides a unique opportunity. Usually this is the only time during the school year when elementary school students reach out to every member in their class with a card especially chosen for them.

Here are a few ways to make the best valentines for children:

Personalize the Card

Rather than your child signing his name and distributing all the unaddressed cards at random, address cards to individuals. 

Add a Handwritten Sentiment

If your child can write, or even if you must help them, write one short sentence that will encourage that child. Examples: You are cool. I like your glasses. Thanks for being my friend.

Add God’s Love

Here’s a golden opportunity to let every child know God loves them. You can buy Christian valentine cards or include a short verse on the back of the envelope. Even adding a simple, God loves you is encouraging.

Encourage Conversations

Is your church hosting a special event in February? Ask your child if he knows of a fellow student who might enjoy going to the event with your family. Make an invitation card listing all the details for your child to give to his friend.

Don’t Forget the Candy

Need I say more?

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