
Miracle After Miracle After Miracle!

Miracle after miracle after miracle…that was what I witnessed last week. My daughter and I came in yesterday from a ten day mission trip to Vermont.

     God did so many amazing things. I cannot begin to name them all, but I  joyfully share a few of these with you!

     Months before the trip our team was given a scripture:

  “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”  2 Timothy 1:7

     We were asked to give our fears about the trip over to the Lord. My fear was not in sharing the gospel nor was it venturing into an unknown area. My fear was that I would not travel well with the chronic neck pain I had dealt with for over fifteen years. I knew God wanted me to go so I gathered many prayer warriors to pray for our mission team’s work and specifically for my neck. I asked God to give me endurance and that He would make the pain bearable.

     My faith was the size of a mustard seed. I visited two doctors to prepare for the trip. I packed three ice packs, a heating pad, prescription and over-the-counter pain medicines, etc. Normally, after a three or four hour trip, I am in a great deal of pain. Quite often, migraines result. Our mission team would be on the road for ten hours the first day. I was taking a tiny step of faith that God would use all the items I had packed to help me endure the pain.

      Long story—short: God did more than I imagined! I only needed to take something for the pain the first day of the trip. And even then, the pain was not as bad as it normally is. I took one Tylenol the second morning. The remaining time, I never used the heating pad, never had to use the ice packs, and I never had to take any more of the pain medicine…not even on the whole trip home! 99% of the time, I was totally pain-free. It was nothing short of a miracle. Without a doubt, God heard the prayers and blessed me abundantly so I could better serve Him.

     Greater blessings came throughout the week. The mission team that went last year planted many “seeds.”Between 7 – 23 kids attended VBS last year. This year we had 29 on the first night. Sixty-five different children and teens came throughout the week. They had a deep hunger to hear about Jesus Christ. Satan tried to thwart our plans but he did not succeed.

     Nineteen children sincerely asked Jesus Christ into their hearts.

     Praise God, praise God! I am eternally thankful for the prayers lifted up for our mission team and for the people of Vermont. Thankful that God took my tiny mustard seed of faith and worked wonders so I could witness Him working in the lives of so many precious people. What an amazing week of God's miracles.