by Sally Matheny
Observance of the Lord’s Supper varies in churches from style to frequency.
However, there is one common concern among many Christian parents:
“How do we prepare our children for this special part of the worship service?”
Why do we have the Lord’s Supper?
How do we explain the bread as the body and the wine (or grape juice) as the blood?
How old should children be before allowing them to participate?
A good place to start is by reading the following:
The Bible doesn’t mention an appropriate age for participating in the Lord’s Supper. The best policy is to talk with your child before he asks, “When can I have the snack and drink from the little cup?”
We can explain and teach, but we must let God do His calling in His time.
What suggestions do you have for parents on teaching their children about the Lord's Supper?
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The Lord's Supper--When Should Children Go to the Table? |
Observance of the Lord’s Supper varies in churches from style to frequency.
However, there is one common concern among many Christian parents:
“How do we prepare our children for this special part of the worship service?”
Why do we have the Lord’s Supper?
How do we explain the bread as the body and the wine (or grape juice) as the blood?
How old should children be before allowing them to participate?
A good place to start is by reading the following:
Corinthians 11:23-31
The first Lord’s Supper occurred as a Passover meal that
Jesus hosted the night before his betrayal. The traditional foods were ready to
serve but Jesus gave them a fresh meaning that night.
Traditionally, the host reminded the people of the
history of the Passover. The bread represented the affliction of the Israelites.
Jesus conveyed to his guests that the bread now represented the afflictions he
would take upon himself—his body would be broken
for us. He would die for our sins.
Then, Jesus said the wine symbolized his blood that he would
shed in order to save us. Jesus died willingly on the cross. He was innocent of
all sin, which made him the only sacrifice acceptable to cover the cost of our
sin, which is death.
In the past, people sacrificed animals. But they were
only representatives of the perfect sacrifice to come. The animals did not have
the power to take away sins. They merely pointed the way to the one who would
come, and is able to cleanse us from
all sin.
Jesus asked those at his table to observe a new
covenant in remembrance of Him.
According to Vine’s
Dictionary of Bible Words, the original word used for “remembrance” in
this text does not refer” to ‘in memory of’ but in an affectionate calling of the
Person Himself to mind.”
The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament, something sacred and
set apart. It is an outward testimony of a change that has taken place on the
inside. We live our lives based on what we believe to be true.
Children may become confused when they hear the words, Take, eat. This is my body and drink, this is my blood.
Show them a photo of one of their friends. Is the photo
itself the friend? No, it is only a representation of the friend. Likewise,
draw them a picture of a red heart. When they see the heart, what does it make
them think of? The heart itself is not love. It symbolizes love.
The bread is not the actual body of Christ. The juice
is not his actual blood. These are used as symbols of what Christ did for us.
He loved us so much he died for our sins, so that we may live forever in heaven
when our bodies cease to exist on this earth.
The Bible doesn’t mention an appropriate age for participating in the Lord’s Supper. The best policy is to talk with your child before he asks, “When can I have the snack and drink from the little cup?”
Receiving the Lord’s Supper is not to be taken lightly.
The apostle Paul says,
Everyone ought to examine
themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who
eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on
I Corinthians 11:28-29 (NIV)
Most of all,
parents need to demonstrate their love for Christ by how they live their lives outside
the church. Be consistent in showing your child how to love God and to love
Parents can explain
to children what it means to be a Christian. We are all sinners. Give examples
of sin (lying, stealing, greed). Talk about our need for Jesus Christ and why
he was the only one who could pay the price for our sins (Acts 4:11-12). No one
is worthy of taking the Lord’s Supper, but as Christians we come remembering our
need and our joy.
Children are
eager to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Parents know when their child
is ready—as an act of their own faith. Don’t rush them. Patiently wait on the
Lord to work in their hearts.
While waiting
in anticipation for the day their child accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior,
and then for the day when he takes the Lord’s Supper, parents can pray for
wisdom as they provide salt and light in their homes.